Monday, February 1, 2010

Biman Bangladesh

Biman Bangladesh
has officially taken delivery of its newly leased Boeing 777-200ERs which are ex Singapore Airlines air frames and will be utilizing these aircraft to replace the A 310-300s and DC 10-30s on its most popular routes in the following manner:

LHR - to be finally flown nonstop 4 times per week using a B 772ER hence eliminating the DXB stopover en-route.

RUH - capacity increased to 6 weekly nonstop flights using a B 772ER with 3 of those flights being extended to DMM.

SIN - out of 4 weekly flights, 3 will be flown using a B 772ER with the remaining one with a DC 10.

FCO - to be flown once a week nonstop rather than via DXB using a B 772ER.


Excellent moves by BG. Hopefully this shall gradually lead to a massive turn around for this ailing carrier that has suffered massive amounts of bureaucratic mismanagement and corruption for over 30 years. By flying nonstop to London Heathrow from DAC, the market share of all the Arab carriers on the LON-DAC-LON route will definitely fall as a result of this move. With newer Boeing 777-300ERs on their way to be delivered directly from Boeing, things are looking up for the carrier. It will be nostalgic to see its DC 10s finally leave the fleet from a photographer's point of view but this aircraft has done its time and served the carrier to its fullest possible limit.

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